Tuesday, January 21, 2014


   As well as the redpoll there have been the other usual suspects from the woodland hide at North Cove including Long Tailed Tit, Coal Tit and Bullfinch. The Bullfinch are particularly handsome birds especially the males with their pinkish/red breasts but unfortunately they seem to be really shy and difficult to picture so the only images I have from here are of females illustrated below.

   The various Tits on the other hand are very obliging and come very close to the hide making photography remarkably easy at times. Coal tits seem to appear regularly when the feeders are topped up and can be relied upon, Long Tailed tits however are seen less frequently especially this year in the mild conditions and when they do appear it seems there is only a small group of three birds rather than a substantial flock as you sometimes get in the winter.  

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