Saturday, January 4, 2014


   Thursday morning dawned brighter so I headed back down to Pakefield beach in the hope of getting pictures in better light of the Snow Bunting flock but on arrival it was immediately obvious by the number of people and dogs that this was not going to be easy. I find that I feel a little foolish when I'm sat on the beach with all my camera gear waiting for the birds to come close when I'm surrounded by people walking dogs or families out for a stroll with the kids but somewhere like this it's something I have to put up with.
   What does annoy me is the fact that even though we are on a public beach loads of people let their dogs foul the beach and make no effort to clean it up. One dog came to within 10 feet of me before doing a poo and the owner walked straight past leaving it. Being a dog owner myself with two Labradors I can't understand this behaviour especially as so many other people use the beach as well.
   Anyway rant over getting and back to the day the Snow Buntings didn't get the chance to linger in any one area for any length of time so photography was not easy but I did get a few shots including one or two with birds in flight which is always nice.


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