Saturday, January 4, 2014


   Following the departure to the south end of Covehithe broad of the Long Tailed duck out of sight I thought it would be a good opportunity to grab a bite to eat and a cup of coffee from my rucksack before moving on. Whilst eating I noticed a pair of Goldeneye at the north end of the broad and quite quickly they too began to move towards me. Readying the camera I prepared for another close view but these birds were altogether more wary and never approached too near before they too took flight to the south end of the broad passing by me as they did so.

   The Goldeneye also breeds in the north of Europe, Asia and North America but a few birds breed in the highlands of Scotland too and in the winter months many birds are found in this country on lakes and large rivers so it is altogether a much commoner species for us to see. As well as on freshwater this bird can also be found on more sheltered bays and estuaries at sea where the male is particularly noticeable with its bright plumage.

   At this point I moved to Oulton Marshes to try once again to get some good images of the long staying Glossy Ibis but as before the bird was distant and left me disappointed. There were however hundreds of Wigeon on the marsh and I did get the picture below when they returned together in large numbers after being put up by a passing Marsh Harrier.

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