Sunday, January 19, 2014


   I couldn't resist the opportunity to go back to Dunwich Heath again to hopefully see more of the Dartford Warblers. This time conditions were not so favourable with a strong wind blowing across the heath making it feel quite cold which according to the text books are not ideal for these birds. I sat myself down in the general area I knew the birds frequented and waited and after an hour or so by which time I had eaten most of my food and drunk several cups of coffee a pair of birds appeared flying low over the heather and landed close to me. They then began to chase each other round and through the heather sometimes stopping briefly to sing a few weak notes before continuing the chase. This behaviour only lasted a few minutes giving me a brief chance for pictures before they took off again over the heather to disappear. Unfortunately I only managed to capture one bird at a time, it would have been good to get them both together but I will return in the spring with the onset of warmer weather when hopefully breeding behaviour might start giving me greater opportunities.

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