Monday, November 25, 2013


   On Saturday with the high tide forecast for about 1 pm I made the trip down to Ness Point in bright sunshine to try and get some good photos of the Purple Sandpipers that winter there. This is one of those birds that look quite dull in cloudy weather and only show the beauty of their feathering in the sunlight, and at high tide the birds come up onto the rocks at the point and can give very close views. There were about 10 birds in the area but most of them were in a position that made photography difficult, one bird however was quite happy to feed within a few feet of a collection of photographers gathered. This bird moved from the rocks down onto the weed covered slopes of the point and only moved away when threatened by a larger wave but would soon return as the water subsided. I spent an hour or so with this bird taking several hundred images which took a considerable amount of time later to go through and sort, a few being shown here which show the pinkish/ purple colours in the feathers in the sun.

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