Friday, November 15, 2013


   Drove over to Minsmere this morning but it was very quiet round the reserve so I walked along the beach from the sluice towards Dunwich cliffs spotting a few Pied Wagtails and Pipits on the way. I was approaching the cliffs before I spotted a tell tale white flash on the shingle which turned out to be two Snow Buntings in the sunshine. At last the opportunity was there to take some good photos in decent light and I spent the next hour or so with these delightful birds following them as they fed on the shingle and in the dunes.

   In the winter there are thought to be in the region of 10,000 birds in this country, the vast majority of which migrate up to the Arctic to breed but a small number breed high in the mountains of Scotland near the snowline amongst the boulder fields. They feed mainly on seeds but will take insects as well and in the winter here they are nearly always only seen on the seashore.

   I have been lucky enough to see a few of these birds in the last weeks but this was the first time there was more than one Snow Bunting on view at the same time and it was by far the best light.

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