Thursday, November 21, 2013


   Today I started out with the intention of walking along the coast again but on arrival at Corton and nearly being blown off the cliff I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and retreated to the shelter of the woodland at SWT North Cove. Topping up the feeders at the hide I warmed up with a cup of coffee and waited for the birds to realise that the feeders were not empty any more which only took a matter of a few minutes. Firstly the Blue and Great tits followed by Chaffinches and then Marsh and Coal tits and the odd Robin and Dunnock. Later a Song Thrush put in an appearance along with a Blackbird, a couple of Treecreepers, a Wren and a Goldcrest with a few Pheasants thrown in as well. Pictured here is a nice Blue tit in a clear out of focus background.

   At regular intervals the birds were disturbed by a Sparrowhawk flying through the clearing on the hunt and also a Stoat climbing the trees. Soon enough the Grey squirrels arrived to devour the seeds dropped by the birds and I was fortunate enough to get some good shots of one of the squirrels reflected in a nearby pool which turned out to be my favourite shots of the day. Just before leaving 2 Muntjac deer showed up but by this time the light was fading so the photos I took were not really satisfactory.

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