Saturday, November 23, 2013


   Once again yesterday the wind was blowing strongly so I wimped out again and returned to North Cove to try and get some decent pictures of the species that I missed on the previous day. As before the regular woodland birds were in abundance but there was nothing at all unusual so below are photographs of firstly a Coal tit and then a Marsh tit.

   After a while the Muntjac deer put in an appearance and I was fortunate enough to get a reflection shot as the Muntjac doe walked behind the pool and sniffed out the peanuts that I placed there to try and attract the squirrels which seemed not to be interested and preferred the bird seed under the feeder. Later just before I left as the light was failing the buck Muntjac turned up at the end of the clearing and below are pictures of both. As a point of interest Muntjac are the only deer species in this country that don't have a specific breeding time in the year and can produce young at any time, in any season. They are not natural residents of our countryside and were first released in the mid 1800's I think and are often regarded as pests now that they have become so numerous. 

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