Sunday, May 26, 2013


   In the afternoon under slightly brighter skies Simon and I made our way over to West Burton where we both knew there were Dippers to be seen. Arriving at a beautiful waterfall popular with tourists we soon spotted a pair of Dippers nesting up on a cliff next to the waterfall and they were obviously feeding chicks as they were constantly in and out of the nest down onto the rocks in the river and diving into the water. The river must have been alive with aquatic insects as the Dippers never went very far along the river before returning with beak fulls of food for the young.
   Photographing these birds wasn't easy as they never stayed still for long and the light was very harsh either in full sunlight or deep shade making exposure of the black and white plumage not simple at all. These are a few of the many images I took as the birds were quite used to people and very tolerant of us

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