Sunday, May 26, 2013


   Our holiday cottage really is an amazing place this is about the 6th time we have stayed here and we love the seclusion and the fantastic views in all directions. We always keep the bird feeders well stocked and this means we get to see species that we don't get at home. This year I decided to keep a record of the species seen from the cottage windows and was pleasantly surprised to reach a total of 41 which I thought was quite good. However I think the best thing about the cottage is the good possibility of seeing a Red squirrel; in the last couple of years they have become a rarer sight here due to an influx of Grey squirrels but this year we hardly saw a grey whereas most mornings we were visited by at least one Red who would sit under a tree beneath a bird feeder or climb onto the feeder to try and retrieve the nuts held within it. They never stayed for any length of time and to get any pictures you had to stay very quiet as they would disappear at the slightest sound or movement but with a bit of patience I did manage to get a few shots.

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