Sunday, May 26, 2013


   After spending some time with the Dippers we moved downstream a little way where we came across a pair of Grey Wagtails who were repeatedly making their way back and forth to a certain patch of river before filling their beaks with insects and returning to their nest to feed their brood. Once again these birds were very confiding and didn't seem to mind us being there at all only disappearing when somebody walked by with a dog in tow but they would soon return when the dog was out of sight. You could see the insects flying just above the river in the warmer temperatures of the afternoon in the sheltered gully through which the river flowed and it was fascinating to watch the wagtails expertly swoop and catch the insects before alighting on a rock filling their beaks to bursting point.
   Here are a few of the hundreds of images I took during the afternoon and I once again must thank Simon from Wild Dales Photography for an interesting and varied day in the Yorkshire Dales.

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