Sunday, May 26, 2013


   We continued to look over the moors for more upland birds especially Golden Plovers but most birds were sheltering from the strong cold winds but while driving through an area of rocky outcrops we spotted a male Ring Ousel which typically for the species was very timid and did not approach us close enough for pictures. There were quite a few Lapwings around and we came across a female that appeared to have many legs but when she moved you could see that she had been sheltering her chicks but when ever she moved the chicks followed and dived under again!

   Amongst other birds seen were Meadow Pipits and Wheatears which I did manage to picture but I couldn't help but notice the lack of birds of prey but as Simon explained to me most of them are not welcomed by the gamekeepers who shoot or even poison them as well as the land based predators such as Stoats and foxes.

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