Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Following reports at the weekend that in Suffolk in several places White Admiral butterflies were emerging I thought I would visit my local hotspot for these beautiful butterflies which is the SWT reserve at North Cove in the hope of seeing my first of the year. I wasn't to be disappointed as I walked up to the entrance of the reserve I immediately spotted two individuals fluttering around the path to the river through the trees. A walk along this path and around the reserve revealed up to 12 freshly emerged insects feeding on the flowers of the Bramble and sometimes disappearing up into the canopy of the trees to eventually flutter back down again.

   The caterpillars of these butterflies rely on honeysuckle to feed on and a reduction of this plant in woodlands has led to a decline in the numbers and colonies of the White Admiral. Much of this loss of the honeysuckle has been attributed to the increase in deer numbers that happily feed on it destroying the growth. I love watching and photographing these insects as they gracefully glide through the woodland glades so I am always happy to see them again each year and I'm sure I will be back again soon.

   Also seen in the more open grassy areas were lots of fresh Ringlet butterflies which always look their best before their colour fades as they age. These are a very common butterfly found all over the country emerging during July but as many species are this year they are a little early.


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