Tuesday, June 24, 2014


   I popped over to Corton new sewage works hoping to see the Bee orchids and I wasn't disappointed as there were hundreds around the entrance to the site. They seemed to me to be taller this year and I'm not sure if this is due to the weather conditions this spring or the fact that the water company has not cut the banks for a while allowing the orchids to flourish. Anyway below are a few pictures including some of the spectacular white variety known technically as Chlorantha.

   Moving away from the site entrance to the pond area I could see on the grassy banks that there had been an emergence of six spot Burnet moths which numbered thousands. All of these freshly emerged insects were busy feeding on the flowers in the area and mating and I have certainly not seen this many before and find it amazing that they all emerge at the same time as if there is some pre ordained signal to do so. Their striking colouration made for a breathtaking sight as every available grass stem seemed to be occupied by at least one insect and the pictures below do not do justice to the event.


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