Thursday, June 20, 2013


   This morning I visited Carlton Marshes in the hope of photographing the various warblers to be found there but on arrival found a brisk breeze blowing across the marsh which was keeping most birds low down in the reeds. My plan of attack changed to look for wild flowers and insects which seem to have appeared suddenly with the arrival of warmer weather. The meadows are bursting into colour and a walk round quickly revealed several species one of which was the Cuckooflower also known as lady's smock which is now reaching the end of its flowering period being one of the earlier flowers in the meadows.

   Walking to the damper areas of marsh meadows revealed lots of Meadow Buttercup and Red Clover and some really conspicuous clumps of Ragged Robin all of which were attracting lots of attention from bees that I will try to picture at another time.

   Moving further towards the reeds were tall statuesque Yellow Iris normally found near the margins of water and also lots of orchids which are covered in the next blog. The wonderful thing about these meadows is that each time I visit during these summer months I see a different picture as various species flower and disappear.

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