Sunday, June 2, 2013


   Yesterday a 4 am start at Minsmere targeting Otters at Island mere resulted in only a distant siting in the early morning; Bitterns were more obliging but because the light wasn't brilliant none of the images were particularly striking.
   At about 9 am I made the decision to walk round to the Bittern hide and was immediately rewarded by the sun coming out and the sight of a beautiful Hobby perched in the dead tree beside the hide only about 30 yards away. I joined the three other people in the hide snapping away at this glorious raptor and before long as the hide filled up with people two other Hobbies joined in the aerial display. They were not the only entertainment as Marsh Harriers came close to the hide and Bitterns were regularly seen either flying or in the reeds hunting for food and there was the constant sound of booming as the male Bitterns continued to try and attract females even this late into the season.
   My enjoyment of the day was tempered slightly when local wildlife photographer Jon E who always seems to take fantastic images popped into the hide and informed me that a Great White Egret had been in the pond behind South hide giving great views. I realised that I had missed a great opportunity especially when he showed me the images he had taken ( to see one of the pictures check out the Suffolk BINS website for the month of June).
   Here are some of the many pictures of Hobbies I took .

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