Saturday, April 20, 2013


   I've always wanted to take photos of Hares as I love watching them  playing in the fields and contrary to popular opinion it's not only in the early spring that they 'box' but also at other times as well. I think the thing is that they are more easily seen in the early spring in the bare fields and low level crops. Anyway trying to photograph them is not easy as they are quite timid and normally run at the first sight of you which means you have to do a bit of creeping around stalking them.
   This was my first attempt prompted by the sight of two Hares on a field of wheat the previous evening in Aldeby. I didn't have a great deal of time which can be a major problem as patience is normally needed but luckily when I crept up to the edge of the field a Hare sat only about 30 yards away and although not very active I managed to get a few shots before a passing truck spooked it and it loped off across the field. Hopefully I can get permission in the next few days to get access to another patch of land where there always seems to be an abundance of  Hares every time I pass it and I can spend some more time trying to get some decent images.

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