Friday, March 29, 2013


   Today I drove over to North cove via Mutford in an effort to photograph the Golden Plovers but as I expected there was no sign of them only Lapwings. Anyway I continued to North cove and made my way round to the woodland hide and topped up the feeders there. Sitting in the hide there were all the usual birds in residence but after a while I noticed a different bird in the thick bushes; eventually it made its way into view and I could see that it was a Brambling. Although quite common these winter visitors are not often seen and usually occur in flocks mixing with Chaffinches and indeed this bird seemed to be with the Chaffinches around the feeders. It did not however use the feeders while I observed it and seemed to prefer feeding from the ground.

On my way home I did catch up with the Golden Plovers in Mutford but by this time the light wasn't the best and the birds were some 70 yards away so the pictures were not very good. There were about 100 birds in total but after a few minutes the flock was disturbed by a tractor in the field, took off and flew over me to a distant field.

Some of the 100 Golden Plovers

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