Friday, March 29, 2013


   Yesterday (thursday 28th) I visited Minsmere on a cold breezy day with the intention of trying to get pictures of the Smew before they departed to mainland Europe but when I reached Island mere hide I could immediately see a pair of Garganey ducks which diverted my attention for the remainder of the morning.

   Garganey ducks are not all that common and when they are seen it is usually at a distance so it was rare to get such close views and get some good photographs. These are the only real migratory ducks we have where they spend their winters in Africa, pair up and then make their way northwards to breed. The female is nothing special to look at but the drake is quite striking in its plumage as can be seen from these pictures.

After spending some time with the ducks my attention was taken by several Water rails which apppeared close to the hide giving me further opportunity for photographing this elusive bird that is more often heard than seen. Once you hear this bird you are not likely to mistake it again as it sounds a bit like a squeeling pig but if you are lucky enough to see it you can't help but be impressed by its plumage as well as it's eyes and bill.

Also amongst the vegetation I spotted a Snipe which is so well camaflaged in the dead brown reeds that you normally only see them as they are flying off when you get too close.

It was getting late in the afternoon so I made my round to the sea wall where a Black Redstart had been reported earlier. After 10 minutes of looking in the gorse and scrub I spotted the bird but it was flitting around so much that it was difficult to photograph so I decided to sit and wait and sure enough when some other people came along they spooked the bird and it came close enough for me to grab a few images. The bird turned out to be a female which are as you can see predominately grey apart from the orange/red tail feathers, the male is also mainly grey but has a darker head and is much more striking.

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