Friday, March 22, 2013


   I'm getting fed up with the weather, every time I think spring has sprung the cold seems to come back with a vengeance. The last couple of weeks have been terrible for photography with really bad light which only seems to improve when I'm at work, typical!
   Yesterday was the best forecast for the next few days so had a drive around in the car to see what could be seen. Firstly popped over to Sotterly to see if I could catch up with the Hawfinches which have managed to elude me all winter but as usual there was no sign of them so I carried on to Wrentham to check at the Great grey shrike site near the church. There was also no sign of the shrike but a Barn owl was hunting in the distance so I stayed around and eventually it made its way over in my direction.

Barn owl hunting with lowered talons
   I watched the owl hunting over the rough grassland and repeatedly dive to the ground but each time it would rise up again with empty talons and carry on hunting. Finally after a successful dive I could see it had caught a vole and took a couple of pictures although it was a good way off so the quality wasn't up to much.

Daytime meal for the owl

   As evening was approaching I made my way over to Aldeby to try and photograph the Barn owls in the woodland and meadows there but the only owls a saw were a long way off. I did notice on my walk five owl nest boxes in an area of about one square mile which were easy to spot in the leafless trees so there were plenty of options for any breeding owls to choose from but I will not be taking pictures of them doing this as I don't have the category 1 license required. Still I never tire of seeing these beautiful birds who without fail manage to brighten up the dullest day.

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