Friday, November 13, 2015


   The last few weeks has seen a large influx of Short eared Owls from the continent arriving to spend the winter in our milder temperatures and as they arrive they often spend a week or two feeding around here close to the coast, recovering from the long sea crossing before moving on to their winter feeding grounds. A few birds stay around here and SWT Oulton Marshes is one of the more recognised areas where Short eared owls may often be found. I had heard reports that several owls could be seen hunting over the marshes so on a quiet but dull day I walked out and immediately spotted one of these distinctive day hunting owls lazily flying along one of the marshes that border the railway track.

   Arriving at the crossing two other photographers were taking pictures of this owl and others that were patrolling up and down the marshes and pretty soon I counted 4 owls within sight all busy hunting for voles in the rough grassland. Every so often two or more of these birds would cross paths and would chase each other off their patch of marshland. Sometimes they would approach quite closely and you could easily make out their bright yellow eyes looking at you. Before leaving I managed to get a shot of one owl perched on a post in the middle of a patch of reeds staring at me which turned out to be my favourite shot of the session.

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