Saturday, May 23, 2015


   Another one of the main reasons for staying at Cotterdale was the chance to photograph the amazing Red Squirrels that frequently visit the garden. On arrival I placed some squirrel food on the dry stone wall outside the cottage but initially there was no sign of any squirrels which was probably not surprising as there had been no one in the cottage for the previous few weeks. The next morning the food had gone so I replaced it and within 5 minutes the first squirrel arrived and this marked the start of regular visits during the week where up to three squirrels would be together and at least five different animals were seen and identified.

   It was educational to observe the different characteristics between the various squirrels, some would be more approachable than others and some would eat in front of you on the wall while some would take the food a few yards away to consume. Occasionally one of the squirrels would take a hazelnut and cross the river and field opposite to cache the nut in the woods before returning. In the area there were three distinct patches of woodland and at various times I saw squirrels entering the garden from all three using the dry stone walls as 'squirrel highways' so I think this indicates that there are several different families living in the dale.

   Many of the cottages in the hamlet place food out for the squirrels but during our stay I was amazed that so few people visited to watch for the squirrels but this was maybe due to the road leading to Cotterdale being a long cul de sac with the only option of return involving turning around and retracing your steps. I would definitely return as I find I can't get enough of these beautiful little animals and the other wildlife found in the area.

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