Monday, May 18, 2015


   On our trips out in the car to and from the cottage itself we had to pass through pastures being grazed by sheep and these were home to many different species of birds mostly using them for breeding purposes. Sometimes they were very close to the road and as they often had chicks with them care had to be taken while you were driving. Probably the most numerous of these were Lapwings and we often saw them with young and also defending their offspring from crows and other potential predators but they were irresistible to photograph as the chicks were little balls of fluff who would follow their parents everywhere.

   Also seen all over the place were Oystercatchers and although we didn't see any young this was prime breeding territory and I am sure they were there. You can hardly miss these striking black and white birds with their bright orange bills that make them instantly recognizable but all the same they were not as easy to photograph as they were slightly more wary of us even though we remained in the car.

   The other main species seen were Wheatear which have just arrived on migration from Africa and I was lucky enough to get pictures of both a male and female from the car window as my wife was driving. 

   Finally there are some pictures of Meadow pipits which were seen at all heights from down in the valleys right up to high in the fells where this one shown below can be seen on the heather.


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