Thursday, February 20, 2014


   Apart from the birds seen in the previous post another highlight was the appearance of a very obliging Water Rail that didn't seem too bothered by the camera clicks even though the bird was only a few feet from the hide at times. This is unusual for this species which is notoriously shy and spends most of its time deep in the cover of the reeds avoiding us humans.

   Moving on again to the hides at the end of the reserve that overlook the reed beds there was very little to be seen but undoubtedly in the spring Marsh Harriers and Hobby's would be in residence so I will try to return in a couple of months. On the walk back along the river bordering the reeds a male Reed Bunting was sitting in a small tree singing away advertising his presence to any available females indicating that spring is not far away. Another sign of the arrival hopefully soon of warmer weather were the abundance of catkins on the trees along the river and in the woodland so along with the Reed Bunting I have included a couple of shots of these to finish with.

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