Saturday, February 22, 2014


   Friday afternoon and the sun was shining brightly and following reports the previous two days that a second Glossy Ibis had joined the long staying bird on the marshes at Oulton I drove over to take a look. I fully expected the birds to be at a distance so was pleasantly surprised to find the pair feeding on a marsh only 40 yards or so from where I stood, so using the reeds and bushes as cover I managed to take loads of pictures as they moved along feeling in the mud with their long bills for worms. The plumage really shone in the sun revealing a range of colours that were not noticeable at a distance or under cloudy skies. Also seen was a male Hen Harrier but this was a good distance off and no usable images were taken although its always nice to see these grey 'ghosts' hunting low over the marsh and scrub.

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