Thursday, September 5, 2013


   A few other photographs taken this morning none of which are particularly unusual but I think they look good in the early morning light. The first at the top of the page is of a small flock of Canada Geese coming in to land on Island mere. The second, below is part of a flock of about 200 Greylag Geese that also came in to land on Island mere early today after roosting away from the reserve. You could hear them coming from miles away as they were making such a racket! The birds stayed on the mere for an hour or so before splitting up into smaller groups and moving onto other parts of the reserve.

   The third picture is of a male Mute Swan posturing with its wings fluffed up seeing off an intruder on the flat water of the mere and last is a Grey Heron who having caught a fish in a pool near the hide decided to take it away to consume far from prying eyes.

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