Monday, July 29, 2013


   This morning I paid another visit to Minsmere in the hope of getting some decent pictures of the migrant waders and so started off at the scrape where the usual suspects were once again too far off for good images. I made the decision to walk along the temporary wader trail trying to locate some less common species like Curlew Sandpipers, several of which had been reported recently. Walking alongside the river Swallows swooped by repeatedly hunting for insects and a flash of iridescent blue signalled a Kingfisher speeding along the waters edge. A multitude of bees and butterflies attracted to the many flowers distracted my attention and I very nearly missed seeing a bird perched on a muddy lump at the edge of the water. Creeping closer, keeping the vegetation between me and the bird I approached to a distance that I could identify it as a Green Sandpiper and then proceeded to photograph it the results of which you can see here.  

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