Saturday, July 6, 2013


   I didn't get up very early today and with my hayfever playing up made the journey to Minsmere and positioned myself in the Bittern hide in the hope of some decent Hobby images. There were a few Marsh Harriers around along with a couple of Herons and some distant Bittern flights but very few Hobbies and all those were a long way off. I watched two Red deer come towards me along a path in the reed bed then jump across a dyke followed soon after by a Muntjac deer which reached the dyke and then decided to return in the direction it came from.
   After a couple of hours a Bittern climbed up some reeds close to the hide before taking off and I managed to get a sequence of shots as the bird flew. This proved to be the highlight of the morning and with the onset of some serious wheezing from me I decided to head home.

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