Sunday, October 6, 2013


   Just a short post to illustrate the fact that you never know when you will get the chance to take an opportunistic photograph and you should always keep your eyes open for the unexpected. Driving home from Minsmere on Saturday along the A12 I briefly spotted a bird perched on a road sign as I passed by a layby on the opposite side of the road. After a couple of hundred metres there was the opportunity to turn round and return to the layby but when I parked up there was no sign of anything so I was about to start home again when I noticed a Kestrel hovering above the verge. Very quickly the bird landed not on the road sign this time but on a post a bit further along the verge so I crept along a bit in the car, lowered the window a little and grabbed a few photos of the Kestrel from the opposite side of the road. The bird was put up by a lorry coming by on its side of the carriageway and then flew off into a field but I was more than happy to have got the chance to photograph this magnificent bird at close quarters.

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