Monday, April 6, 2015


   All winter there has been a flock of Golden Plover feeding and roosting on some of the arable fields near to the aerodrome at Ellough but they have been so distant that any photography has been pointless, however last week after a trip out with my wife and daughter we passed the aerodrome on the way home and I realised that the flock was fairly close to the road. Running indoors I grabbed my camera gear, jumped back in the car and drove back up to the field pulling over on the side of the road. The flock had moved slightly further out into the field but were still within range so I rested the camera on the passenger window sill and took my chance.

   The golden plumage blended in with the old cut stems from last years wheat crop so the birds don't stand out well but I couldn't be fussy as I didn't think that the flock would be around for much longer. Indeed in the week since the pictures were taken the flock has decreased in size dramatically and there are now only a dozen or so birds left at the time of writing. The flock was feeding on worms as you can see from one of the pictures where I caught a bird trying to tug a worm out of the ground. I would love to get the chance of some better pictures up in Yorkshire later in the spring.

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