Wednesday, March 18, 2015


   On Monday I made a reasonably early start at RSPB Minsmere and walked straight down to Island mere hide passing several Green Woodpeckers and a couple of Muntjac deer on the way where I found one other person who had beaten me to the hide by about 5 minutes. Immediately to the right of the hide a Little Egret was perched on an area of cut reed bed allowing good views and it remained around the hide for the majority of the time I was there. A few Teal and some noisy geese surrounded the hide while out on the mere both Little Grebe and Great crested Grebe could be seen along with the Mute Swans, Coots and Mallards. After a while a family group of Otters appeared along the left edge of the mere comprising a female and 2 cubs but they did not linger and soon departed from view on the far side of the water.

   Marsh Harriers were constantly in the air and some of the males were showing signs of building nests while all around the sound of squealing Water Rails could be regularly heard along with the occasional Bittern booming and Cetti's Warbler calling. Out in front of the hide 2 Snipe became active and began to feed allowing a few shots of them in the clear unobstructed from view by the cut reed stems for a change. At about 9.30 am I got lucky as I happened to spot a male (dog) otter I think who hopped out onto the bank for all of 2 seconds before diving back in the water; anyway it was enough time for me to grab a shot before he disappeared.

   Leaving Minsmere I decided to pop up to Sizewell as I was so close and walking along in front of the power station I spotted someone with a camera taking pictures of what turned out to be a Black Redstart. Its only been the last week or so that these birds have started to return to their breeding grounds and usually a few birds can be seen in this area around the power stations. The bird was a male and it had obviously just had a bath as its feathers were still soaking and it was perched in the sun drying off so the pictures are not great but I will try to return soon and get some better shots.

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