Tuesday, February 17, 2015


   Last week I had the chance to spend a few hours in the sunshine at a new location for me looking for Hares. On arrival and scanning the fields with binoculars I could see one or two hares laying down in a crop of winter wheat but as the afternoon progressed and the light levels lowered I began to realize that there were a lot more than one or two animals present, in fact as they became more active and started to move around at one point I counted 21 hares in view at the same time. I knew that the farmer who owned the land did not shoot these animals but I was amazed by the number I could see.

   I watched the hares until the light levels became too low for photography in the hope of seeing some 'boxing' but they seemed more interested in grooming and foraging and generally all seemed to get on together remarkably well. I will have to try and spent some time here over the next few weeks to hopefully catch some more interesting behaviour.

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