Wednesday, January 21, 2015


   Just a quick post to show you some long distance shots taken from Castle marshes on the river wall on Sunday. I had returned hoping to get some more images of the Barn owl I had seen the previous day but while I was waiting for the owl to emerge I noticed an approaching group of swans from the Lowestoft direction. Raising my binoculars I could see the yellow on their bills which meant they weren't Mute swans and as I watched they came closer and closer before landing on the shooting lakes at Aldeby on the other side of the river. Looking through the camera lens I could see they were Whooper swans and although they only stayed for half an hour or so I took many photos even though they were a long way from me. Walking back to the car the Barn owl came from across the river carrying a small mammal which was probably a vole and went up to the wood to eat in peace but it was good to see that this owl is successfully surviving the winter on the marshes.

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