Monday, April 21, 2014


   Following reports of sightings of Ring Ouzels at Kessingland sluice I thought I had better go and see for myself and so parking in the village I walked down past the sewage works where I was fortunate enough to see a Green Woodpecker. Now normally these shy birds disappear very quickly but this particular one couldn't have seen me straight away as it stayed in the area looking for food but was always wary and on the lookout.

   Moving on to the sluice and the area of gorse and bramble scrub surrounding it the Ring Ouzels were easy to spot but unfortunately they were so shy of humans that the only shots I could get were distant ones but still they were nice to see. On the grass around the scrub along with a few Skylarks were quite a lot of Wheatear which along with the Ring Ouzels were on their spring migration northwards to breed.

   Finally a completely unrelated photo taken during the week at Oulton Marshes in another failed attempt to see the Dusky Warbler that has been around for a while now of a Water Vole climbing the vegetation in a weed filled overgrown ditch.

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